Zero Axis Private Limited

Data Management Analytics

We Empower Organizations in:

Ready-to-deploy applications that connect, enhance, and empower.

Data Management

Efficiently Manage, Administer, and Govern Large Volumes of Structured and Unstructured Data
Zero Axis: Best Business Hub

Advanced Analytics

Precisely Address Business Challenges with Confidence through Valuable Information Mining
Zero Axis: Best Business Hub
Zero Axis: Best IT Services Provider

Big Data Engineering

Efficiently Store and Process Terabytes and Petabytes of Data for Near-Real-Time Analytics
Zero Axis: Best IT Services Provider

Predictive Analytics

Leverage predictive analytics for risk reduction and enhanced profitability by making informed future predictions.


Zero Axis: Best IBM Solutions
Zero Axis: Best Microsoft Partner Solutions
Zero Axis: Best Cloud Solutions
Zero Axis: Best denodo Solutions
Zero Axis: Best Vertica Solutions
Zero Axis: Best Informatica Solutions

Data Analytics Excellence

Data Lifecycle Optimization

  • Provide recommendations for modernizing data platforms and optimizing data strategies.
  • Develop data architectures that meet current and future needs of data workloads.
  • Leverage the best data tool sets to enhance business processes while maintaining cost-effectiveness.
  • Implement solutions for real-time processing of large data sets.
  • Implement data governance practices, including data quality and data security management.

AI & Machine Learning Capabilities

  • Expert data engineers and data scientists with knowledge of proprietary and open-source frameworks
  • NLP-based solutions for document indexing and identification
  • Deep learning and visual intelligence solutions
  • AI & ML models for solving complex industry problems

Predictive Modeling Expertise

  • Customer segmentation
  • Demand forecasting and inventory optimization
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) and predictive promotion planning
  • Customer churn analysis
  • Customer sentiment analysis
  • Market basket analysis
  • Cash management & optimization
  • Product personalization & search
  • Delinquency predictions and credit risk scoring
Zero Axis: Best Business Hub

Engagement Models & Collaboration Options

Strategy Development

Crafting digital roadmaps and scalable, future-proof architectures to cater to your long-term needs.

Project Engagement

Deploying diverse analytics solutions that provide a competitive advantage across various industries.

Service Delivery

We have an optimized delivery model for the development, maintenance, and implementation of BI/AI projects.

Free Consultation

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